Independent Driver Drug Testing Consortium offers drug and alcohol programs to comply with US DOT and FMCSA regulations as well as testing for state, city, and county regulations. For only an annual fee of $99, you are certified as a drug free driver with pre-employment, random drug and alcohol, and post accident drug tests included. No other fees are required until the program renews the following year.
IDC is a division of Norton Medical Industries, a well established, nationwide third party drug testing administrator. Visit to learn more about all of our services that we offer!
How Does IDC work?
When an individual decides to enroll in our program, they can download our mobile application, IDCapp Drug Free, found on Apple’s App Store and Google Play, or visit Once the driver signs up, they can find collection sites for drug and alcohol testing, test results, program certificate, and contact information on the application.
The driver will be notified by e-mail as well as by text when they have been selected for random testing. If a test results in a non-negative, the driver will be contacted by a licensed Medical Review Officer to determine if they have a legitimate reason, such as a prescription, to have the substance in their body.
IDC’s drug program tests for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy, opiates, heroine, and PCP. Alcohol tests are conducted using an US DOT approved breathalyzer that measures alcohol levels in your breath. Did you know that a driver is prohibited to consume alcohol 4 hours prior to working? As the saying goes, “4 hours bottle to throttle.”
Certificate Of Drug & Alcohol Program Enrollment
Last Drug Test Results
Drug & Alcohol Testing Collection Sites
Contractor To Receive Test Results
IDC Drug-Alcohol Program Rules
My Contact Info
Make A Payment
Motor Carrier Definition of Accident
Much More…
Call us at 800 243-7669
Or e-mail us at
to find out more about our program!